Reflective Essay

Before taking an English class in CCNY, I knew my writing skills lacked development. This class has precisely done that and extended my conceptions and thoughts about writing for a deeper, meaningful, and firm purpose. In this class, I have learned how to mature as a better scientist, researcher, and important giver to society. We knew what it truly meant to study science and what it requires in terms of ethics, analysis, discussions, and limits. Writing is a method to define, express thoughts on various topics. In all careers writing plays an important position, and for emerging civil engineering, it is one of the essential disciplines to be proficient in. intercourse writing for engineers is well thought and planned to help any engineer in a fun-study environment.

My resume and cover letter are essentially unrelated to what career track one is pursuing. It is an important part of any beginning in our careers. This assignment helped me examine my powers and weaknesses as the strengths were written so that they would catch attention and defects were covered underneath. This assignment also included reading from the textbook to understand better how to state all the achievements. Also, the big part of this assignment was to find a job posting. To fulfill that, an Indeed report was produced. This account helped me find a job posting for the responsibility and opened me to some internships that interested me.
As an engineer, it is necessary to comprehend how to write excellent lab reports, and in this course, we studied the format of a lab report. This wasn’t my first time writing a lab report but indeed a diverse background. I drafted lab reports, but this time lab report included the experimental aspect and research using library databases. We learn that the results section contains charts, graphs, tables, all labeled and captioned appropriately. An analysis that interprets the results and compares them to another dice probability study that you researched. The teacher explains how important a conclusion summarizes the experiment, products, and analysis and tells what can be done with results.

The project was focused on getting a center at grove school of engineering, which could be applied by all students unrelated to their major. We decided that our project would focus on developing a tech center. Thinking of a prime name that would be cool and professional together, we came up with the term “Campus Heart. The title also explains the project itself; the building will be in the heart, center in the City College. As the project progressed, we surveyed to see the tech center’s needs, and excel was used to demonstrate the data to a pi-chart. Also, some research was done to compare our tech center to other tech centers to have a better idea of infrastructure. Everyone’s thoughts were collaborated to get a great proposal after everyone did their writing parts for the final submission.

Writing a technical description had to be a well-planned assignment as the first step was to find a topic that I was interested in and consider the audience. The case had to be something that would be of mutual interest to all different kinds of engineering students. Next was to do some preliminary research on the topic to see if there was enough information on CCNY library databases to research this topic. This task included understanding and synthesizing different scholarly articles, and also a vital part was the mention of the sources used to avoid plagiarism.

 This study resource was shared via This course was not only about writing these specific assignments. It was more than that as it included lessons of grammar, commas, colons, and semicolons, which helped in a better and transparent writing way. As English is my second language, I was confused about separating colon and semicolon, a cat from comma. “A cat has claws at the end of its paws. A comma is a pause at the end of a clause”. Also, assignments like group proposals and the technical description had a presentation element to them using PowerPoint to make presentations and use them as a visual aid during the oral presentation.

This course was a complete pack of learning with practise and one of the best courses I took this semester. I hope to take all that I knew to succeed in all classes and complete my career intentions.